Staying Positive


The Right Mental Attitude



Learning to Spot Suspicious Skin Conditions in the Prevention of Cancer
Breast Cancer Prevention And Cure
Can You Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer
Prostate Cancer Which Treatment Is The Correct One
Now That You Have Cancer Whats Your Strategy Article 5 of 6


Healthy Eating - preventing cancer through good nutrition
Healthy Eating

Vitamins for cancer
Vitamins and Cancer

Angel Flights - Providing Children With Flights to Cancer Treatment in Different Cities
Angel Flights

Healthy Foods can help prevent cancer
Healthy Foods

Site Map
Alternative Cancer Therapies Cancer
Types of Cancer

Cancer Xml Feed
Google Site Map

Search Results: the role of a positive mental attitude in fighting cancer

Humor: A Powerful Coping Aid

George Bernard Shaw wrote "Life does not cease to be funny when someone dies, as it does not cease to be serious when people laugh." I would modify this by saying "Life does not cease to be funny when someone has cancer, as it does not cease to be serious when people laugh." Dr. Bernie Siegel, a cancer surgeon wrote "Show me a patient who is able to laugh and play, who enjoys living and I'll show you someone who is going to live longer.


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Hormone Replacement Therapy: Breast Cancer Risk In Perspective
Many women have concluded that recent study results show that hormone replacement therapy increases breast cancer risk. A closer look at this study shows that the increase in risk was far less than half a per cent a year and may not be due to...