Asbestos Related Lung Cancer: Cause, Symptoms And Treatment


Asbestos Related Lung Cancer: Cause, Symptoms And Treatment



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Asbestos related lung cancer, as the name itself indicates, is a type of lung cancer that is caused by the exposure to asbestos particles suspended in the air. In addition, smoking is also a cause of lung cancer. Mesothelioma is the most dangerous among all types of asbestos related lung cancers. Other thoracic carcinomas such as adeno carcinoma are also caused by exposure to asbestos.

Understanding the Risk Factors Associated with Asbestos Related Lung Cancer

People have wrong assumptions about the cause of lung cancer. They generally believe that cigarette smoking is the cause of all types of lung cancers. This wide ignorance makes it more important to make them aware about the real cause of asbestos related lung cancer. Smoking definitely is an important factor but it is not the only cause of lung cancer.

After conducting many studies, experts concluded that an individual is five times more at the risk of lung cancer if he or she is exposed to airborne asbestos particles. Those people who smoke but never exposed to asbestos particles face the risk of developing lung cancer ten times. Risk factor increases by fifty times when both smoking and exposure to asbestos particles is combined. This is why we have large incidences of asbestos related lung cancer.

One plus One Makes Eleven

Thus, the mathematics of adding risk factors of asbestos related lung cancer is an altogether different proposition. When you add risk posed by asbestos exposure to the risk posed by cigarette smoking, it is like one plus one equal to eleven, rather than

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Long Latency Period, Short Survival Time

Like other asbestos related diseases, most unfortunate aspect of asbestos related lung cancer is its long latency period. Disease may lie dormant in the human body for decades after the exposure to asbestos particles. After diagnosis patient is left with very little survival period to fight the disease.

Symptoms of Asbestos Related Lung Cancer

Symptoms of asbestos related lung cancer include cough, difficulty in breathing, chest pain and detection of new mass in chest x-ray report. Treatment options differ according to the stage of tumor. Surgical removal helps in increasing survival time when disease is diagnosed at an early stage. Radiation and chemotherapy are some other treatment options to cure asbestos related lung cancer in case of late diagnosis.

Legal Remedy for Asbestos Related Lung Cancer

The treatment of asbestos related lung cancer is very expensive. However, the good news is that the patient suffering from asbestos related lung cancer could file lawsuits to seek compensation for the companies or individuals responsible for causing asbestos exposure.

About the Author: Kirsten Hawkins is a asbestos and mesothelioma specialist from Nashville, TN. Visit for information on asbestos reform, mesothelioma lawsuit news, and more.


This article is about lung cancer and was Written by: Kirsten Hawkins

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