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Timeline of medicine and medical technology

* 420 BC - Hippocrates begins the scientific study of medicine by maintaining that diseases have natural causes and puts forth the Hippocratic Oath, marking the birth of modern medicine * 280 BC - Herophilus studies the nervous system and distinguishes between sensory nerves and motor nerves * 250 BC - Erasistratus studies the brain and distinguishes between the cerebrum and cerebellum * 50-70 - Pedanius Dioscorides writes De Materia Medica - a precursor of modern pharmacopeias that was in use for almost 1600 years * 180 - Galen studies the connection between paralysis and severance of the spinal cord * 1242 - Ibn an-Nafis suggests that the right and left ventricles of the heart are separate and describes the lesser circulation of blood * 1249 - Roger Bacon writes about convex lens spectacles for treating long-sightedness * 1403 - Venice implements a quarantine against the Black Death * 1451 - Nicholas of Cusa invents concave lens spectacles to treat myopia * early 16th century: Paracelsus, an alchemist by trade, rejects occultism and pioneers the use of chemicals and minerals in medicine * 1543 - Andreas Vesalius publishes De Fabrica Corporis Humani which corrects Greek medical errors and revolutionizes medicine * 1546 - Girolamo Fracastoro proposes that epidemic diseases are caused by transferable seedlike entities * 1553 - Miguel Serveto describes the lesser circulation of blood through the lungs * 1559 - Realdo Colombo describes the lesser circulation of blood through the lungs in detail * 1603 - Girolamo Fabrici studies leg veins and notices that they have valves which only allow blood to flow toward the heart * 1628 - William Harvey explains the vein-artery system and structure of the heart in De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis * 1701 - Giacomo Pylarini gives the first smallpox inoculations * 1747 - James Lind discovers that citrus fruits prevent scurvy * 1763 - Claudius Aymand performs the first successful appendectomy * 1790s - Samuel Hahnemann rages against the prevalent practice of bloodletting as a universal cure and founds homeopathy * 1796 - Edward Jenner develops a smallpox vaccination method * 1800 - Humphry Davy announces the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide * 1816 - Rene Laennec invents the stethoscope * 1842 - Crawford Long performs the first surgical operation using anasthesia * 1847 - Ignaz Semmelweis studies and prevents the transmission of puerperal fever * 1870 - Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch establish the germ theory of disease * 1881 - Louis Pasteur develops an anthrax vaccine * 1882 - Louis Pasteur develops a rabies vaccine * 1890 - Emil von Behring discovers antitoxins and uses them to develop tetanus and diptheria vaccines * 1906 - Frederick Hopkins suggests the existence of vitamins and suggests that a lack of vitamins causes scurvy and rickets * 1907 - Paul Ehrlich develops a chemotherapeutic cure for sleeping sickness * 1921 - Edward Mellanby discovers vitamin D and shows that its absence causes rickets * 1928 - Alexander Fleming discovers penicillin * 1932 - Gerhard Domagk develops a chemotherapeutic cure for streptococcus * 1952 - Jonas Salk develops the first polio vaccine

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