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Nutrition is the study of the relationship between food and drink in their relationship to health or disease, especially in determining an optimal diet for purposes of health, weight loss, body building, or other purposes. It is practiced by nutritionists. We have come a long way in our understanding about nutrition. For example; as recently as the 1960s many doctors routinely told their patients that nutrition had nothing to do with their health. We now know otherwise; you are what you eat! Nutrition and Health There exists a large category of disease which are thought to be caused, at least in part, by malnutrition, or the lack of proper nutrition (seeDr. Joel Fuhrman). These include : * heart disease * somecancers * diabetes * beriberi * rickets * scurvy * vitamin deficiency disease * kwashiorkor * pellagra * poor immune function, potentially leading to a wide range of other illnesses. Additionally, several diseases directly or indirectly are impacted by diet, and require very close attention to the nutrient content of food. These include: * metabolic or nutritionally related disease such as diabetes or endemic goitre. * various eating disorders such as binge eating, anorexia nervosa, or bulimia

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