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Information About Cancer and Cancer Treatment

Big killer

In public health, a big killer is a disease or other major cause of loss of human life. Examples include: * Cancer: 23 % of deaths * Circulatory diseases: 36 %. * Diabetes : 1/3 of heart attack people suffer diabetes. * Infectious diseases : AIDS and tuberculosis * Mental illness : 30 % of people in the community suffers one. Prevalent are Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease * Traffic accidents Ten Leading Causes of Death in the United States in the year 2000: 1. Heart disease: 710,760 2. Cancer: 553,091 3. Stroke: 167661 4. Chronic lower respiratory disease: 122,009 5. Accidents: 97,900 6. Diabetes: 69,301 7. Pneumonia/Influenza: 65,313 8. Alzheimer's disease: 49,558 9. Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 37,251 10. Septicemia: 31,224

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