Asbestos Cancer Law


Asbestos Cancer Law



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Asbestos cancer law includes those laws that have been established by various governments that regulate exposure to asbestos in the workplace. Asbestos cancer law also allows people who are injured as a result of prolonged asbestos exposure to seek compensation from their employer. This is often done in various class action lawsuits on the part of employees against companies that manufactured asbestos related products.

Asbestos has historically been part of over 5000 different products and has been in use for over hundreds of years. Asbestos finds its use in a wide variety of appliances - vehicle brakes, building materials, ships, roofing materials, plastics, paints, some paper products, and much more. Asbestos exposure has proved very harmful to human health. Even though the ill effects of asbestos exposure have been well known for quite some time, some organizations still choose to use asbestos. Not only that, most structures still have products containing asbestos. Shipyard, automotive, factory, construction, custodial and building industry workers are all exposed to asbestos in greater or lesser extents.

Asbestos laws protect people from the harmful consequences of asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure at dangerous levels can lead to asbestosis- a build up of scar tissue in the lungs. This results from inhaling asbestos fibers that interrupt normal lung functioning and can finally lead to death or disability. Mesothelioma cancer is a severe and in most cases deadly cancer and the main reason for its occurrence is asbestos exposure. In most cases it takes a large time to diagnose the

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illness and hence the survival time for mesothelioma victims is extremely short; on average a patient has only one more year to live. Asbestos law allows a victim to recover medical expenses, lost income, and compensation for pain and suffering from his employer. If a victim has died because of asbestos related disease, asbestos law also permits the victim's family to recover damages related to the injury.

Asbestos laws give certain guidelines to determine permissible exposure levels for asbestos in the workplace: 0.1 fibers per cubic centimeter for an eight hour work period and one fiber per cubic centimeter in any given thirty minute time period. The law also enforces on the employers the need to conduct frequent exposure monitoring and create regulated work areas. Under asbestos law, the employers must also provide their employees with protective respiratory and clothing equipment, adequate hygiene facilities, training on how to safely work with asbestos and routine health exams in case they are at a risk of being exposed to asbestos.

About the Author: Gus Benson runs, a website dedicated to mesothelioma and asbestosis related cancer information. Click to visit his site:


This article is about cancer and was Written by: Gus Benson

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